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6 Decorating Life Hacks for Your Home – [2023]

by Jonny S | 29/11/2018

Everyone wants to decorate their home. It’s a reflection of yourself in a way, and it can feel great when you finally achieved the perfect look for your home! Of the numerous projects one can take on, it’s important to know your financial, and physical, limitations before pursuing it. Of course, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a ton of affordable decorating hacks you can try out when putting together the interior of your home.

Hang Painted Canvases

If your walls are feeling a little blank, just pick up a couple of canvases. They can be bought at nearly any dollar store for a bargain. Pick up a little bit of interior latex paint while you’re at it. Depending on your preference, you can choose the same color as your walls, just a shade lighter or go for a bold look and paint them completely differently! The effect? Your blank walls are brightened up, and don’t look as empty.

Cut an inexpensive duvet in half for curtains

You can get an inexpensive duvet at just about any major retailer. Take it home, cut it in half and voila! You now have an adorable set of curtains that are perfect for your home. They can add an extra flair to the place, or be just the right color to bring the whole room together. Since the duvet is cut in half, the fabric doubles up and creates its own lining. They’ll look great, and are fairly durable to boot!

Lost one mitten? It’s still useful!

You don’t have to throw out those mittens just because you can’t find the matching one. There is a simple way you can make use of them as they are. You’ll need to get some felt, a frame and some craft glue. Cut the felt and glue it to the backing of the frame. Take the mitten and glue it to the felt. After it dries overnight, you can use it for a cute decoration. Or glue the mitten upside down, and you can use it to hold your keys!

Double up on pots for your plants.

Avoid the hassle of switching out seasonal plants by using the pot-in-pot method. Not only do you avoid the usual mess that comes with swapping out your plants each season, but you chop the required work in half! Simply dig a hole once, and place an empty pot in the hole. Place a potted plant inside the pot, and you’re done! When you need to switch them out, you can do it without the extra work.

Two words: Cluster Candles

Candles can bring sophistication to a room with ease. However, they simply look ten times better when they are combined into a small cluster on a roomy surface. The best option is to use your coffee table. Group 4–5 candles that vary in height, but are the same color, within glass containers. It will keep your living room, or any other room, looking classy while protecting your surfaces from candle wax.

Create a Photo Gallery

Choose the best pictures you have, and put them into identical frames. You can usually get a set of frames from hobby stores or craft stores. Hang them on your wall in a long line, or create a rectangle of images. Choose a geometric shaped arrangement, and you will have a beautiful gallery to display the best moments throughout life. Or choose a theme for a more uniform appearance.

With these simple DIY decorating projects, you will give your house that perfect look while still being affordable. Get an instant quote for your home project now on Houseace.

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