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The 4 Best Apartment Renovations in Sydney to Increase Value – [2023]

by Jonny S | 30/05/2022

Introduction: When it comes to apartment renovations, choosing the right projects is key. Not only do you want to create a space that reflects your personal style, but you also want to invest in renovations that will add value. This guide delves into four of the most impactful renovation projects – interior painting, floor sanding, bathroom tiling, and innovative flooring installation – detailing how each can transform your space effectively.

1. Interior Painting: The Power of Colour Interior painting is perhaps the most cost-effective way to give your apartment a new lease of life. The colours you choose can have a profound impact on the ambiance and perception of space.

  • Colour Schemes & Their Effects:
    • Light, neutral colours can make small spaces appear larger and brighter.
    • Dark or vibrant colours can add depth and character to larger rooms.
    • Consider accent walls for a touch of drama without overwhelming the space.
  • Professional Tips:
    • High-quality paint and proper preparation work are essential for long-lasting results.
    • Experiment with finishes; matte, gloss, and satin can significantly affect the final look.

Additional Insights:

  • Embrace color psychology to evoke desired emotions in different rooms. For instance, blue hues in the bedroom can create a calming effect, while warmer tones in the living room can foster a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Don’t forget the ceiling and trim. A refreshed ceiling can brighten a room, and contrasting trim can add architectural interest.
  • Stay informed about the latest color trends. Incorporating trendy colors can modernize your space and increase its appeal, especially if you’re considering selling or renting out your apartment.

Whether you’re planning a full apartment makeover or just a quick refresh, interior painting offers an affordable and impactful way to transform your living space. Remember, the right colour scheme can not only change the look of your apartment but also affect its feel and mood. Ready to see the potential colours for your apartment renovation? Get an instant painting quote on Aireno and start visualising your dream space today.

2. Floor Sanding: Rediscovering Your Floor’s Charm Floor sanding is an excellent way to revive old wooden floors. It strips away years of wear and tear, revealing the raw beauty of the wood.

  • The Sanding Process:
    • Professional sanding removes scratches, stains, and old varnish.
    • It’s essential to choose the right grade of sandpaper for the best results.
  • Benefits:
    • Sanding can often be more cost-effective than replacing the entire floor.
    • It enhances the longevity and durability of your wooden floors.

Additional Insights 

  • Post-sanding treatment options, like staining or oiling, can further protect and enhance the floor’s appearance.
  • Consider environmental factors like humidity and temperature, which can impact the sanding process and final outcome.
  • Regular maintenance post-sanding, like cleaning and occasional polishing, will preserve your floor’s new look.

Floor sanding is a sustainable choice, breathing new life into existing wooden floors without the need for complete replacement. With the right care and attention, sanded floors can be a highlight of your apartment, adding warmth and character. Thinking of giving your wooden floors a fresh start? Explore instant floor sanding quotes on Aireno and embark on your floor restoration journey today.

3. Bathroom Tiling: Creating a Sanctuary The right tiling in your bathroom can transform it from a purely functional space to a luxurious retreat.

  • Tiling Trends:
    • Subway tiles for a classic look.
    • Geometric patterns for a modern twist.
    • Natural stone for a touch of luxury.
  • Considerations:
    • Durability and water resistance are key.
    • Professional installation ensures longevity and aesthetics.

4. Innovative Flooring Installation Choosing the right flooring can entirely change the character of your apartment. From laminate to timber, each material offers its unique aesthetic and functional benefits.

  • Flooring Options:
    • Laminate for durability and ease of maintenance.
    • Hybrid flooring, combining the best of laminate and vinyl.
    • Carpet for comfort and warmth in bedrooms.
    • Timber for a timeless, elegant look.

Conclusion: Your dream apartment is within reach with Houseace. Offering instant quotes and a seamless renovation experience, we connect you with top professionals to bring your vision to life. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a beautifully renovated space with Houseace.

Start your renovation journey with an instant quote from Houseace. Whether it’s a full apartment overhaul or a specific project like bathroom tiling or floor sanding, we’re here to make your renovation dreams a reality.

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