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What to look for when choosing a builder for your renovation project

by Jonny S | 06/05/2022

When you’re planning on undertaking a renovation project, you might be wondering who you should choose to handle the job. Depending on the scope of your project, you might need to hire a professional to help you. However, not everyone can be a renovation builder. If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your home, you can do it yourself. But, if your renovation project is going to be extensive, then you might want to hire a contractor to help you. Even though some contractors are charging extortionate prices for their services, there are still many who hire themselves out to others at a fair price. With that being said, you need to look into several factors before hiring a contractor. Here’s what you need to keep in mind when choosing a contractor for your renovation project.

Know the Basics

When you’re looking for a contractor, you need to know the basics when it comes to organising a renovation project. A contractor needs to know about your project’s timeline, budget, and any other details you might have. This will help them give you an accurate quote. For most renovations, you need to consult a contractor’s design plan. This will help you know what to expect and give you a rough idea of the costs you might incur. You can use the design plan for your renovation project. Your contractor needs to know about your building’s structure and its layout. This will help them get an idea of how to best renovate it. You need to inform them about your building’s features, such as its roof, walls, and windows. When choosing a contractor, you need to know if they have the right licenses to do the work they plan on doing. Contractors need to be licensed in several trades, depending on what they do.

Get Multiple Price Quotes

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When you’re looking for a renovation builder for your renovation project, you need to get multiple price quotes. This will help you compare the costs. You can do this by sending invoices to various contractors and asking them to quote their work. Don’t just choose the contractor with the lowest price. Each contractor has its own price range. Don’t base your decision solely on the price; instead, choose the contractor you feel comfortable working with. To get the best price, you need to negotiate with the contractors. This means you might want to lower your price if you feel like the contractors aren’t negotiating on your behalf. You can negotiate the services you want. For example, you can ask the contractors to help you renovate a room or two. You can   ask them to get you quotes for each service and tell them to put all the quotes in the same envelope. This will help you compare the costs and the services.

Talk to References and Inspect the Property

When you’re looking for a contractor for your renovation project, you need to talk to references and inspect the property. This will help you get a better understanding of the contractor. You can inspect the property if you’re not sure where the site is. Inspecting the property can help you determine the best location for your work. This will help you know if the property is safe. You can get your contractor’s references by asking previous clients, co-workers, or family members. You can look online for contractor reviews. You should ask the contractor for a written contract. This will help you feel more comfortable about hiring the contractor. A written contract can help you protect yourself if the contractor does not finish the project on time or if there are other unforeseen circumstances.

Check if the Contractor Is Registered

When you’re looking for a contractor for your renovation project, you need to check if the contractor is registered. This will help you know if the contractor is licensed in the trades they plan on doing. This can help you determine if the contractor is qualified to handle the work. This can help you protect yourself in case the contractor doesn’t do the work according to their quote. To check if the contractor is registered, you can visit the Contractors Board’s website. You can consult a licensed contractor. You can ask them for a copy of the contractor’s license. You can ask the contractor for a copy of their insurance policy.

Check if the Contractor Is a Member of a Locating Board

When you’re looking for a contractor for your renovation project, you need to check if the renovation builder is a member of a locating board. This can help you determine if the contractor is insured. This will help protect you in case the contractor gets sued. This can help you protect yourself if the contractor doesn’t do the work according to their quote. To determine if the contractor is a member of a locating board, you can visit the Contractors Board’s website. You can consult a licensed contractor. You can ask them for a copy of the contractor’s insurance policy

Ask for References From Previous Clients

When you’re looking for a contractor for your renovation project, you need to ask for references from previous clients. This will help you get a better understanding of the contractor. This can help you protect yourself from hiring the wrong contractor. You can ask for references from previous clients by visiting the Contractors Board’s website. You can consult a licensed contractor. You can ask them for a copy of the contractor’s license. You can consult a client’s reference by visiting the Client Reference Check website. You can consult a client’s reference by visiting the Client Reference Check website. 

Don’t Just Trust Anyone!

When you’re looking for a contractor for your renovation project, you need to trust your gut feeling. This is because you might be hiring the wrong contractor. You might be hiring the wrong contractor if you’re hiring a contractor who doesn’t match your description. This can happen if the contractor doesn’t have any work experience. This is because you might be hiring the wrong contractor if you’re hiring a contractor who doesn’t have proper identification. This can happen if the contractor doesn’t have proper identification. This is because you might be hiring the wrong contractor if the contractor doesn’t have proper insurance. This can happen if the contractor doesn’t have proper insurance.


When you’re looking for a renovation builder for your renovation project, you need to know the basics when it comes to hiring a contractor. This will help you get the best contractor for the job.

Houseace removes the hassle and minimises the risk when choosing a builder for your renovation project. All our builders go through a 7 step vetting process, most don’t get accepted and the ones that do are subject to ongoing quality checks. This allows us to have a trusted and reliable network of builder. 

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