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When Do I Need an Architect for my Renovation?

by Jonny S | 06/08/2022

When it comes to home renovation projects, you will pretty much need an architect from the start of the whole affair until the end.

While people like plumbers and electricians are all needed when the time for their respective job comes up, an architect is someone that you will need to have constantly.

Here are the various stages and phases in renovation where you will need to get the services of an architect.

1. Project Planning

The first point during the renovation where you will need an architect is the planning phase.

The need for an architect is emphasised if the project that you want to do is something like a full-house (gut) renovation or building an extension.

Basically, the reason why you need to have an architect during the planning phase is that you will have to discuss and ascertain the plausibility of your proposed construction/renovation.

If your project consists of something that cannot be done due to any sort of geographical or architectural reason, the architect will be able to inform you and help you come up with a better alternative.

After all this, the architect will also help you find the right contractor for your project. They (the architect) will also correspond with the contractor on your behalf and coordinate with them on the remodel until completion.

You can appreciate the need for having an architect during the planning phase by understanding what would happen if you did not have one.

Without an architect, you would have to plan everything yourself (which, of course, would not be very wise nor pleasant) and then you would have to personally go around looking for the right contractor. Then, you would have to explain everything to them about the project and then guide them throughout the whole process.

An architect, on the other hand, can do all this for you while you can just sit back and relax.

2. Dealing with Certifiers & Council

Depending on the type of renovation that you want to do, the local council may require you to hand in signed and authorised plans of the proposed construction/renovation.

This is also where you will need the help of an architect. The architect will create the plans, get them attested and then make an application at the council. After that, he will also complete the follow-up procedures and get a permit for your renovation project.

Without the help of an architect, this process can be very arduous and difficult. Getting the plans made, having them signed and then applying for a permit can be a whole lot of hassle.

Another thing to keep in mind here is that different places may have different criteria vis-à-vis the type of renovation or renovations that require a permit. In other words, some states or cities may allow extensive projects to happen without any sort of permit whereas the law in other places may require you to have permits even for small renovations inside your home.

3. Managing and Supervising the Whole Project

Even after all the planning and approvals are done, you will still need someone to oversee and manage the whole project. This is yet another place where you can get the help of an architect.

To get a better understanding of the role that architects play in managing your renovation project, you can take the example of a lawyer and a plaintiff. The lawyer represents the plaintiff and handles his case for him since he has the proper knowledge of the law. The lawyer also guides and advises the plaintiff about the different elements in the case and resolves any problems that come up during the course of the lawsuit.

Similarly, when it comes to overseeing the whole project, your architect acts as your representative. He makes sure that everything is done according to your directive and according to the instructions you had earlier approved of. If any problem arises during the project, the architect can take care of it on your behalf.

During all this, your architect will also be able to actively coordinate with the contractor for procuring the building materials and for getting in touch with plumbing or technician firms etc. With the combined know-how of the architect and the contractor, your renovation project can get accomplished excellently.

Is it Worth Hiring an Architect for Your Renovation Project?

Judging from all the above, we can understand just how easy and hassle-free your renovation project can become if you hire an architect. From the planning phase to the completion of the work, an architect can lend you considerable support.

All in all, hiring an architect for your renovation can be highly worth it. Although hiring professional architects can be a little expensive for renovation projects, it can pay off in the long run.

Since your architect will be able to expertly guide you during the planning phase, and actively oversee the actual construction/renovation process, there won’t be any amateurish mistakes or unfinished details in the end result. The work will be lasting and you’ll be able to go for a long time without having to worry about going for another round of renovation.

How to Find the Right Architect for Your Renovation Project?

Although it is advisable and beneficial to hire an architect for your renovation project, you should make sure that you don’t end up employing some sort of quack or swindler. Just as having a good architect can be helpful for your project, hiring a bad one can be very damaging to it instead.

You can find a reliable and trustworthy architect for your project by looking up reputable architecture firms in your area. Hiring a freelancer or a self-employed architect can be risky…unless they happen to have an untarnished reputation and a lot of experience.

But, doing all this can be a little time-taking and arduous. Houseace customers are treated to a much simpler design experience, we assign a top rated architect for your project by default and ensure the correct consultants are engaged at the right phases.

By working with our award winning team at Houseace, we’ll assign the right designers and consultants for your project. This means our handle creating the plans, getting permits and managing the actual project – Thats a hassle free

If you don’t hire an architect, you will have to go through a lot of unnecessary and avoidable hassle to do all these things yourself.

Luckily, here at Houseace we offer an end to end service – simply get an online quote and our expert team will manage the rest.

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